The resources on this page and throughout my website are designed to bring you back into alignment. Part of this process is having awareness and recognising when things are out of balance. The more you use these resources & techniques the more you will start to recognise when a shift is needed. Too often we look outside of ourselves for 'solutions' when if we truly listened we would find our own answers to what we really need within.
LISTEN TO YOURSELF Simply pause, close your eyes (optional), take three big deep breaths and ask yourself a question such as; "What do I need right now?" "What is this worry/pain/stress/emotion trying to tell me?" "What can I do to make this better?" "How can I be kinder to myself?" Simply continue to breathe naturally for a few moments and notice what thoughts/messages arise. Practice this technique regularly to make listening to yourself a natural part of your life. GRATITUDE Gratitude is another simple tool that has incredible power to change your perspective, energy, day and life in general. For quite a few years I kept a gratitude diary that I would fill out every night. Now gratitude is such a natural part of my day that I find myself constantly being grateful. Ways to cultivate Gratitude: - keep a gratitude diary - download a gratitude ap - simply acknowledge what you are thankful for - when things are difficult or aren't going well for you, take a few moments to think of something (even if it's small) that you are grateful for Gratitude helps us shift our energy and although is a wonderful thing to enhance your days in general, it can be especially helpful when we feel stuck or frustrated. If you're finding it hard post little fun reminders around the house, be silly with it, find a way that works for you! Gratitude is a great friend to have on your journey and I know it will serve you well. Put Down Your BurdensI love this meditation/visualisation! It's not an original one of mine but one I first heard at my Reiki Training back in 2008 (Thanks Andrew from Open Hands!) When I became a Reiki Teacher I used to use it in all my classes too! We used it to prepare students for their attunements (in this case aligning them with the Reiki Energy) but I think it's a good reminder for us all about what we choose to carry on our journey and the opportunity we have to let go of what we don't really need. It reminds us that some of the things we carry are really only making things harder than they need to be. I hope you enjoy!
Chakra BalanceListen below for a brief talk on the chakras (wheels of light/energy that feed universal energy into the physical body) + a Chakra Balance. I loved recording this one so hope you enjoy it too!!
Love Yourself Well
Global Healing |
Grounding is a simple and powerful tool that provides strength and stability and allows us to better connect with and utilise our gifts and ideas. It helps us make better decisions and feel stronger when faced with stresses, challenges and difficult decisions. Grounding is a beautiful way to connect to the Earth and to acknowledge her presence. Good times to use a grounding technique/meditation: - when faced with stressful situations or challenges - at times when you might feel nervous (e.g. an exam, a job interview, before a date, before meetings or appointments) - when developing and/or using your psychic skills or working with energy - when you feel like you're not in your body Simple ways to ground yourself are: - standing/walking barefoot on the Earth (can do inside too, perhaps just bringing our awareness to your feet and their connection to the Earth) - walking (to get the best results go device free and simply be present with your steps and your connection to the Earth *with any of the above, perhaps take a few deep breaths and either silently or out loud say, "I am aware of my feet connected to the Earth" Other activities that connect you the Earth such as gardening may also have a grounding effect. Listen below for some thoughts on grounding and a grounding mediation to help you connect with the energies of the Earth. TAKE TIME FOR RELAXATION
We all need to take time out for a rest, to allow our bodies & minds to rest and rejuvanate. To help with this I have a Full Body Guided Relaxation below. Ideally listen to this before bed but it can be done at any time that feels good for you!! If doing at another time make sure you have nothing too strenuous planned so you can enjoy the relaxation effect for longer!! MY PODCAST INTERVIEW FROM EARLIER THIS YEAR
Click on the picture to listen to the full podcast...........................
Loving Kindness MeditationLove & care for yourself well and you will have more to give to others. When you are happy within you radiate that joy & happiness out into the world.
Deep Sleep Meditation
Diamond Light MeditationFor those who would like to support my work with a donation, you can do so below. Your donation helps give me the time and resources I need to create and improve the work that I do. It is much appreciated.
I ask that all those that visit this site receive high vibrational healing and loving energies that help you remember and reconnect to all that you are. I ask that these healing and loving energies radiate out from this site and into the hearts of all those that visit or pass through. Standing in your light & radiating out your love have more impact than you know and by simply being who you are, your very presence brings great blessings to the Earth & to all those around you.